Pepsi Can

by Kuro   Jan 19, 2010

Trying to forget, trying to recover
Long it's been the pain I've suffered
I grew a beard and shaved it off
Reminded of some things I've forgot

Digging through my movies, ones you gave me
Are the ones I avoid and don't want to see
While cleaning I noticed something I could not ignore
Something laying out on my floor

Taking me back to when it began
Must be one of your Pepsi cans
Images of your desk at home
Scattered about with blue and chrome

You turn from your chair
and I see your smile
Pepsi in your hand
Feelings reconcile

Five months later I see a can
Flooded with memories I can't disband
Feeling haunted by the Pepsi brand
No more cleaning today, you understand?


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  • 14 years ago

    by White Orchid

    This poem was awesome!! I know the feeling of how one simple thing can bring back memories that haunt you! And even though it is something like a pepsi can it can remind you of that person and you can still feel heartbroken. I loved this!! The emotion was so real and believable!! :P

  • 14 years ago

    by tainted melody

    Wow again. you are inspiring both me and my friend who is also reading with me.incredable ability you have

  • 14 years ago

    by Dreamofolwin

    This is brilliant! though sad and touching, Lol. You really draw the reader in with your poems... Your'e becoming a favourite! Well done.. :)

    Very creative and thoughtout.

  • 15 years ago

    by Of Sweet Insanity

    Extremely creative. The single object brought back so much to your memory and that truly is the way it happens! Very real and sincere.
    I though that the story went smoothly.
    Perhaps the ending could've been stronger, but I don't dislike it the way it is now.
    Also, very good title! Caught my attention for sure.


  • 15 years ago

    by Sarah

    I love that such a small thing like a pepsi can can truly hold so much meaning. I love that you could show so much meaning in that one object. I would like to have seen a little more elaboration though. From this I only get that you remember the can from when she sat at her desk. I would like to see what else about the can reminds you of her.