Love You Still

by No1ButMe   Jan 20, 2010

I keep dreaming of you
And I don't know why
I'm suppose to be over you
Or is that just another lie
Another day without you
Is a day that it's you I miss
It shouldn't be this way
It wasn't suppose to end like this
I keep going back to pictures
As I shed another tear
For our relationship ended
And it's almost been a year
I dream of our good times
As I see your sparkling face
And for once in my life
My smile doesn't seem out of place
I was so angry when it ended
I thought I'd be okay
But I just couldn't erase
The past five years away
I tried to tell myself
That I never really loved you
Easing my mind with things
That were never really true
Yes we had our fights
And no our relationship wasn't ideal
But the love we had for each other
Was nothing short of real
I couldn't help but think of you
Every time I looked at the stars
I'd shed another tear just knowing
That you were so close yet still so far
I couldn't help but loose hope
Just knowing you were with her
Wishing so bad that things
Could go back to the way they were
I thought we'd be together forever
But I guess our forever came to an end
I couldn't stand by and
Just simply be your friend
I kept pushing and pushing
Until one day I pushed too hard
And on that day my heart
Broke into a million tiny shards
I tried to glue them back together
But you forever took a piece
A part that I can never get back
Because I don't ever want you to release
There's a position in my life
That only you can fill
And though I keep saying I don't love you
I know deep down I do still...


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