Comments : Who Was The One

  • 14 years ago

    by Jackie

    WOW, an excellent poem. The storyline is fantastic, love the way it comes full circle. 5/5

  • 14 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Oh my goodness...My thoughts are everywhere right now, I have so much I want to say I don't know where to start.
    Let me first say, I LOVED the way the one persons choice affected another choice, which led to another stanza, that stanza led to another was incredible how everything was tied together in this poem (just like in real life).
    For years I have had you on my favorites list. Your creativity and your talent has always been something I truly admired. This was an excellent write :)

  • 14 years ago

    by KJ

    Wow, I must say that I am a little speechless right now. This was one of the most moving and emotional poems I have read in a while. I liked how in each stanza, you told of a different person's life, and how it contributed to the death of another. The ending really got me; it was something that was not expected. Also, the imagery told a story (a sad story) that truely touched me. Also, at the same time, you pulled a perfect rhyme scheme off. All I can say is that you are now one of my favorite authors. This poem deserves nothing less than a 5 <--- I would give it a 10 if I could.

    Thank you for the beautiful read.


  • 14 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    This poem has a very surprizing end and reflects a lot of karma

    very well written

  • 14 years ago

    by Malboros pipe

    Very touchin poem i liked alot. it was written amazeingly, if that is a word.. u are now in my favouries list, and i most certainly will be viewing more of your poetry. excellent read, great story 5/5