
by Faithless   Jan 24, 2010

the world revolves around
so many maybes,
why must it all be maybe?

Would there be a maybe
if things are how
we want them to be?

Maybe, maybes revolve around regrets;
past decisions that we have made
wishing us to reverse
the hands of time, anti-clockwise.

As the clock ticks,
we're seconds older;
but are we really much more wiser?

Do we really scrutinize
our actions?
Accepting the consequences
that will ripple the
layers of our future?

What if we had turned left
instead of right?
Would we still be taking
the same path that
brought us here today?

or alight at a different destination,
living in another dimension?

A few seconds is all it takes
to alter the direction of our fate.

Could we be loving
a different someone
if the intervals of
our lives had been adjusted?




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Latest Comments

  • 14 years ago

    by SweetGrief

    I deeply love this one!!! great job 5/5

  • 14 years ago

    by Hebe

    All very good questions. Think a lot of people sometimes ask themselves these questions.

    "What if we had turned left
    instead of right?
    Would we still be taking
    the same path that
    brought us here today?"

    "A few seconds is all it takes
    to alter the direction of our fate."

    I really love these lines
    Overall, a great poem!

    Take care

  • 15 years ago

    by kelleyana

    I did really miss reading new poems from you. You always left me thinking each time i read one of your poem because you'd the ability to let me think about the importance of simple things. Maybe and but, are words that i use so much. But can we really change the past? Infact we think if you have done things the other way around it would be better, but we are just confusing ourselves. As the saying goes, "everything has done for a special reason". I do believe in that and it helps me to accepts things as it is. Very well done my friend. 5/5, kel.

  • 15 years ago

    by Stephanie Michelle

    I really like this, as mentioned before, it is thought provoking!

    Just one thing

    "Do we really scrutinized
    our actions?
    Accepting the consequences
    that will ripple the
    layers of our future?"

    Scrutinized should be scrutinize

    Other than that, excellent job!

  • 15 years ago

    by iFallToPieces

    Woah, this made me think,
    Great Job 5/5

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