Killing me with kindness

by Afraid4forever   Jan 25, 2010

It tore me apart the day he told me
He cares about me and liked me he said
But he see's our relationship as brother sister
My tears continued to flow with no end in sight
I didn't care; he meant so much and was so perfect
But I now know there's no hope
He plunged the knife deep into my heart

He couldn't stop there oh no
He had to go on and make it worse
He really liked her
She's nothing like him!
But she's got something I don't have
My craving that will never be fulfilled
She has him
Deeper he pushed me, near the point of utter hopelessness

As much as I'm hurt and broken I can't live without him
He makes me feel so much better and safe
I know he still cares, just not how I wish
And for that reason we worked things out

But nothing different,
Our conversations are just as sweet and playful
Full of compliments
But instead of picking me up they slam me down
Because I know their meaning
I know how he feels and what will never be
There's nowhere for my imagination to wander to

I put on that smile and pretend I'm ok
I'm over it and I'm over him
But I come home void of life
Because it took everything I had to keep that smile on
Just for that minute we interacted
That sweet feeling of freedom when he embraced me for a hug
It was life's way of twisting that knife deep in my heart
Killing me softly with kindness


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  • 14 years ago

    by victoria

    That is exactly how i felt a few years ago!. I was in love with my best friend. I chased him for two years and he said he liked me. I did manage to date him..but for a few days. He broke up with me cuz we where :too good of friends". that hurt so bad. Then he dated this other girl. sadly enough they still are...3 years off and on. idk...i just get this poem. very deep. lovely job.
