Dreaming Of Reality

by Mimed Lovette   Jan 25, 2010

...........................Thin veil piles
......................Walking through an aisle
................A bouquet gathered by fate's ardent hands
..........Unanimous choir blesses the love; the lullaby lulls
........With fervent passion, rod twirling, he instructs the band
....Before the priest, before love's deathbed, the couple's vows stand
Unwavered commitment, unbroken promises, faith and trust, I pronounce
....Upon their hands, rings both carved to ethereal perfection lands
........From heaven, elaborately destined, a mark of eternity sent
..........Like a handpicked corsage, a bride the groom culls
................What a great unity! Rows of heads bend
.....................Without your engagement, nil;
..........................But a dream of miles.

-In response to the R.T.V.W challenge in diatelle form,
inspired by the quote from John Lennon:
A dream you dream alone is only a dream.
A dream you dream together is reality.-


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  • 15 years ago

    by Chelsey

    I mean honestly.... I am speechless...I didn't know this form at all, but putting that aside if I just read this as a poem (which I did because I didnt know the rhyme scheme or syllable count) I absolutely loved it!. You have a gift :)

  • 15 years ago

    by Faithless

    Landy, you have taken this poem to an all new heights. I love how you express the ideal picture perfect marriage that you have.The choice of words that you used really brought your dream to live.I'm also happy that you wrote this poem about marriage, without having the marriage inside. It's good that you're expressing it in an alternate way. Truly indeed this poem fits well with the quote from John Lennon. Well like they always say, it takes two hands to clap;) Excellent Job.