Comments : Beauty of the Rainbow

  • 15 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    Ohh wow Luanne, one of the most beautiful pieces I have read in quite some time. This was truly impressive . I loved the vocabulary for one. Secondly a wonderful quote to base a poem off of , and definatly the truth. We can give love but should also be accepting of it as well, if we dont let love in we could be msising out on so much . Theres no words to describe this powerful, beautiful write that you have penned for us. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!

  • 15 years ago

    by Cindy

    Again you have penned a gem. This is breathtaking.

    Lastly Dearest !
    To love - hand in hand
    beneath a blanket of cloudy skies
    and a half - filled cup of sunshine.
    And - together- unfold
    the beauty ...
    of the rainbow.

    The ending is so beautiful. Your words just capture the heart of the reader.

  • 15 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    Baeutifully penned.Good word choice.
    I especially loved the ending:
    ^Lastly Dearest !
    To love - hand in hand
    beneath a blanket of cloudy skies
    and a half - filled cup of sunshine.
    And - together- unfold
    the beauty ...
    of the rainbow.^

    I love the half filled cup of sunshine. Seems hopeful insted of looking at it half empty. Great job LU!

  • 15 years ago

    by Sarah

    This was the first poem I read today, and honestly I feel fulfilled! This was the absolute greatest poem I have ever read!

  • 15 years ago

    by Mimed Lovette

    Lu, this is such an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G write!!!
    The first stanza was enough to catch all of my attention already!

    Dearest, how I yearn
    to exist within the unwrapped
    folds of your heart.
    Explore every crevice and feel -
    every fragile thought that bleeds.
    ^ ^ ^
    I loved loved LOVED the way you wrote this first bit, and what followed after sure was not even an inch disappointing! The flow was smooth and I loved the outbursts of emotions every now and then :D

    love love, Landy.

  • 15 years ago

    by Nee

    And I'm so proud of you =) <3

  • 15 years ago

    by Sam

    Thats really beautiful

  • 15 years ago

    by PinkyPrincess

    Aww... beautiful!! And congratulations on the win! You deserve it... I love the link between love and rainbows.. I've written a few poems comparing a beautiful rainbow to a beautiful ending.. I loved the poem.. Well done!

  • 15 years ago

    by PinkyPrincess

    Aww... beautiful!! And congratulations on the win! You deserve it... I love the link between love and rainbows.. I've written a few poems comparing a beautiful rainbow to a beautiful ending.. I loved the poem.. Well done!

  • 15 years ago

    by Ixora

    Simply beautiful. From the imagery to emotion. The poem has great structure. Wonderful job!

  • 15 years ago

    by Ixora

    Simply beautiful. From the imagery to emotion. The poem has great structure. Wonderful job!

  • 15 years ago

    by Ixora

    Simply beautiful. From the imagery to emotion. The poem has great structure. Wonderful job!

  • 14 years ago

    by AJ

    Lu, if this were any good it would have a 5/5 and a front page win.. wait.. this must be pretty good then XD

    I loved it, very good transitions and pauses.. it flows so well, like a rainbow. I don't know how I missed this contest, looks like it was fun...

    "Double rainbow all the way across the sky.." - If you don't know what that is then google it, it will make your day.. but make sure you get the original video, not the song haha

  • 14 years ago

    by Sunshine

    Beauty of the Rainbow

    Dearest, how I yearn
    to exist within the unwrapped
    folds of your heart.

    >>>AWw a veryyyy very romantic stanza..
    I loved the word exist within the unwrapped
    folds..u could have said in ur heart..easier for u..but
    it would be not one bit much as the way
    u worded it.. unique!

    Explore every crevice and feel -
    every fragile thought that bleeds.
    Ride with you - together-
    through tumultuous waves of memories
    that immerse your spirit
    in salty waters.
    ^this stanza is powerful, meaningful
    and romantic.
    I love the usage of each vocab.

    Oh how I ache for the passionate kiss
    of your unspoken words.
    To breathe ..
    the breath of your breath.
    To cry ...
    the tears of your tears.
    >>the repetition is too emotional..too possesive
    and really really passionate..I can't remember
    I have felt emotions in any piece b4, as much
    as in this one!

    Lastly Dearest !
    To love - hand in hand ( SWEET)
    beneath a blanket of cloudy skies
    and a half - filled cup of sunshine.( AWWWW i love i love this line..reminds me of my poem..and of myself sure:P )..cup filled with
    And - together- unfold
    the beauty ...
    of the rainbow.
    ^^Perfect ending and very poetic.. the more
    am reading ur work..the more am loving it!
    Thought provoking and inspiring..

  • 14 years ago

    by Lesbian Natalie

    This is an awesome poem...I wish I could write as well as you do, hun!!!! Perfect flow of your poem....5/5....

  • 14 years ago

    by Deana

    I have missed reading your beautiful poetry. This is romantic and very classy! awesome!