As Wrists Meet Razor Blades

by Hologram   Jan 26, 2010

As wrists meet razor blades
And necks meet that noose
As fists meet that girl
And the makeup meets the bruise

Hurt yourself before he does
So his actions don't matter
Control the pain you feel
Make your blood splatter

Whisper to the blade
Quiet the voices in your head
Take out all the grey
Turn your vision red

As your chest becomes still
And your pulse is faint
As his hands grasp your throat
And he's just too late ..


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Latest Comments

  • 15 years ago

    by SheenaMarie

    So much emotion...written great...5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by FindingHarmonyInYurCries

    That is well written as usual,
    However, it comes from a messed up angle, hun.


  • 15 years ago

    by heartless

    Its a great poem. Fantastically written carried out well. It sends a very strong message.

  • 15 years ago

    by Still Slightly Broken

    Boys aren't worth it, you told me so yourself.
    Still a terrific poem and I liked how the first and last stanzas were phrased, and all started with 'as'. Well done :)