Falling Apart

by KJ   Jan 26, 2010

*short poem*

I don't know
if it's the steady
rhythm of each breath
you take, or the
feeling of your body
next to mine.
The way I
feel secure and
serene with
The way you read
my thoughts
as if we were
Or maybe
simply exploring this
alluring Love with
hands and hearts that makes
me fall a p a r t
when I leave you.

25 January 2010


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  • 13 years ago

    by Shamia

    Nice read...I just knew you were explaining all the resons for how deep your love was...the ending was a reminder of what it was written for...loved how you delivered it!!

  • 15 years ago

    by Cale

    Very well done!! I love the emotion and the flow was amazing!!! 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    Short, sweet and beautiful!

  • 15 years ago

    by WakingFreedom

    Oh my. I loved this poem. It is short and sweet, simple and emotion filled. It may not be that long but you have filled it out with a feeling that can stretch on forever. There is nothing I can give but a 5. Thank you for the beautiful read.

  • 15 years ago

    by Karl Wild GG23

    These are the type of love poems I enjoy most. They have simple vocabulary and they just espress exactly how the writer feels and how in love they are. Most people on this site try and throw in huge words that not even they can understand to make their peotry seem more complex. Most people (especially guys) think that love is all about sex and physical aspects but to me its about so much more than that. The simple things like holding hands and talking for hours and hours on end without getting bored or tired of the person. The way you feel when there gone, the loneliness inside you that cares nothing about sex you just want to see them and hold them. I love the beginning of this piece because when you really care for someone all the little things get noticed. How you can hear and feel there heart as it beats with yours. The greatest feeling in life is not to hear the words I love you, it is to say them and mean it with all your heart. Fantastic job 5/5 well done