Take me off your pedestal

by Chelsey   Jan 26, 2010

I'm irritated, frustrated
Unappreciated and over-rated
You're judgmental, hypocritical
Temperamental and cynical

For as long as I remember, I've been the shining star
The one with the big dreams, wanting to travel afar
Looked up to and praised for, yes it was always me
Taught to act the best, and be everything I can be

I've pressed on and on, when others have let you down
Picked myself up when I've been pushed to the ground
You've always been so proud of me and now you're upset
You think it's the end of the world, you're judging the boy that I've met

He's beautiful and wonderful, he give mes the world
He's a gentlemen and knows how to take care of your little girl
Didn't Dr. King say it best, he tried to fix the hate of his race
Wanted to be judge by the content of his character, not the color of his face

It's not your decision and if you choose to look at me a different way
It'll sadden me because you're family, but all I have to say
Is take me off your pedestal, I don't want to be lifted high
I don't live to please you, just live to look good in God's eyes

I'm irritated, frustrated
Unappreciated and over-rated
You're judgmental, hypocritical
Temperamental and cynical

* No critiquing needed on this one...writing to simply get things off my chest. This was written to a family member who is racist in case the message wasn't clear :) *


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  • 14 years ago

    by Karl Wild GG23

    I absolutely love this piece chels!!! Probably because the first few lines are rhymed filled like mine haha Totally grabs the reader and just clutches them tightly and never lets go throughout the piece. The message is strong, the flow is amazing and the overall quality of the poem is excellent. Not sure if you were aware but in your 4th stanza there are a couple typos, 1st line and 4th line you'll see what I mean. Fantastic write none the less definately a 5/5 what else :p

    P.S. I got some new poems up and I just finished writing one of my best poems ever but I'm not going to post it just yet, but soon :) haha Take care girl.

  • 14 years ago

    by Faithless

    Well it's good to vent your anger in a form of poetry. From what you have written, I think it's obvious that the person whom you're talking about is your dad. Well I totally agree with you that we mustn't judge a person by their race. Cause when our flesh rots, all of us are of the same color; white bones. Well hopefully the tension between the both of you dies down.