Call me a fool...

by June   Jan 30, 2010

I think I should be called a fool,
for listening to my heart instead of my head.
I've only left myself open to heart ache again,
and fell for someone's words letting myself be easily led.

A few months back I found and old flame,
no need to guess we found each other on facebook.
When I was 16 he was my first love,
we met in a shopping center and my world he shock.

I'd never had a boyfriend before he was my first,
didn't even know what relationships were all about.
Got to admit at the time I was a bit of a spoilt brat,
so sadly it did not work out.

Had a phone call from him many years ago,
at that time I;d just moved into a new flat.
When I heard his voice after so long my heart did flutter,
the call angered my partner and he was having none of that.

After that call that was it,
never did I hear from him again until recently.
Facebook's made it easier to find people,
when we found each other I was so full of glee.

We've chatted online and exchanged text,
it's like nothing between us has changed after all these years.
Then the idea of meeting was brought up,
my head says no it will only end in tears.

Ok it's also wrong for I have a partner,
that's a long story but i don't love him but for my kids I stay.
Going back to meeting this old flame,
foolishly I listened to my heart and saw him the other day.

I had butterflies in my stomach,
and all the feelings I had years ago were still there.
But now I'm thinking even though he said he felt the same,
a fool I've been to listen because I'm not sure he does care.

He said he wants to see me again and will,
something inside tells me break my heart he's going to do.
Living with my partner who I don't love may sound sad,
but because of past hurts for me it's ok as my heart can't get
broken in two.


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  • 15 years ago


    June, what can i say only this. Careful girl remember asda. Sometimes our head has to rule if only to save us getting hurt