
by amy   Feb 1, 2010

To be full of wisdom, is not to be of age,
But is to know you've read every page,
Its to have seen the good and the bad,
To have felt the happy and the sad,
To have shared a secret and to have kept one to yourself,
To have given your heart for it only to be put back on the highest shelf,
To have had satisfaction and to have felt pain,
To work so hard to realize your loss was your gain,
See wisdom is not something that can be found, bought or learned,
it comes like a wave after you've found love then been burned,
So if you have found wisdom to be shy,
It won't come to you so easily and you wonder why,
Just live your life and wisdom shall grow,
And the truth of wisdom you will finally know.


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  • 14 years ago

    by amy

    Thank you finally someone agrees with me lol

  • 15 years ago

    by JiKaRiN

    I couldn't agree with you more... Younger people might have wisdom within themselves.. most especially when at such a young age they have been exposed to lots of trials and difficulties..

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