The sound of the music is in my head
Mocking my pain with its dreadful melody
Telling lies buried deep inside
With these tears I�m trying to hide
You will know the sorrow that I keep
The smell of burnt toast so strong
Come give some to the lonely and in debt
That you may bring smile to their faces
In life and in their death
Nobody really knows the right thing to do
So come take me somewhere they don�t know
The places that we hide are the mask in our faces
A shield to the inner demon that�s trying to escape
Hide in the shadows of everlasting death
There you�ll find comfort and a place to rest
Thy weary soul has yet someplace to go
It is now the most disgusting place you�ll know
A midst the crowd a mad horse runs
Faster than lightning , brighter than the sun
The mob cheers, laughter�s are fake
With nothing to feel, they wouldn�t break
Dark clouds are rising overhead
Go faster for something wicked this way comes
A prisoner has escaped and it aims to kill you
A gun shot was heard, people panicking everywhere
They never know what a lunatic could do
Slowly you feel something cold in your head
You saw that the color of the liquid was red
You never expected it to end like this
Happily ever after you take your last breath.