First Love

by Just Jules   Feb 8, 2010

The first love
You will always remember,
Like the stars in the sky
Always there forever.

Nothing will be as sweet
Nothing as nice,
Remembering it may hurt a little
Yet still make you smile.

Endless phone calls
Just to say "hi",
Waiting for them to say "I love you"
Whenever you are about to say goodbye.

The anxious feeling
When they are not around,
Put a smile on your face
When you are feeling down.

Passing love notes
While sitting in class,
Not knowing at all
This love will ever last.

And nothing will be as sweet
Nothing as pure and true,
The moment you hear them say
"Baby, I love you".


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  • 15 years ago

    by julia

    This is amazing. me and my first love broke up a little over a year ago and i remember all those little phone calls and notes that ment and still mean the world to me today. this makes me miss him even more. but good job really captured true love