Past, present, and future

by Chelsey   Feb 9, 2010

I never believed in love at first sight or magic of any kind
But it was magic, that night, when you became mine
I never believed in happy endings, they never turned out right
I use to give up when I saw weakness, never put up fights
But you've captivated my every emotion, my heart is now yours
You're worth fighting for to me, I want a happy ending and more
And I know sometimes it gets scary, red flags might appear
But my darling just know, I will always remain here
I'll never leave your side, no matter what we go through
Whether big or small, I'll always run back to you
When the arguing seems endless, and things get absurd
My baby, just listen to these promising words
Giving up is the only failure, that's what you say
I'll never give up on you, not one second nor one day
And when we're both crying, frustrated, and all yelled out
Don't let that bring you any worry or any kind of doubt
Because you'll wake up tomorrow and I'll still be yours
Today, tomorrow, forever more
I'm your past, your present, your future, it's true
If you forever want me, babe I forever want you
No matter what may happen or what words are said
At night when you go to rest your weary head
Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and picture my smile
Picture our wedding, or the birth of our first child
And prepare for happy memories because that's what I'll bring
Whether empty handed or with a big diamond ring
It's going to be a hard journey, but you're worth it to me
Today, tomorrow, forever you always be
We're perfectly imperfect and I don't mind it that way
Because I'll always know and remember when I start my day
I see my future in your eyes every time I look at you
You're my past, my present, my future, it's true


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  • 14 years ago

    by Mimed Lovette

    Aww look at this, I can sense love brimming all over! I love writes in pure forms, just let the emotions flow without any restrictions and look at the final piece! Pure amazing. I really loved reading this because it reminded me of how love can be so overpowering and it touches the readers. Well, this definitely touched me. Keep writing hun!

  • 14 years ago

    by Karl Wild GG23

    I guess I still don't believe in love at first sight because it takes much more to truly love someone and I know that now. You have to sacrafice everything in your life that was once more important and they have to be willing to do the same. You have to be a team and if your not on the same page or in it just for yourself the chances of winning aren't good. Great job good luck with the relationship.

  • 14 years ago

    by Angie

    Oh Chelz what precious words these are, the feelings in this piece are priceless, if everyone felt this way we would have longer lasting relationships in this world, heartfelt write.