Comments : Lost in the Ashes of Time

  • 15 years ago

    by KJ

    I love your poems simply because they are each so uniquely penned and beautifully worded. While reading, I can tell that you put a lot of thought into it, and not just write words that rhyme or sounds good. Also, you wrote from the point of view of a young girl so well. All I can say is that you have become one of my favorite authors. Please continue to write works as beautifull and emotion-filled as this one.

    I gave this a 5/5.


  • 15 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    This poem says so much that needs to be said and I don't know how it could be said better

    Thank you for sharing

  • 15 years ago

    by Lonely Rider

    Am at awe at the beauty of this one... so brilliantly expressed... the view through the eyes of a seven year old... wonderful...

    The fences are high but they can't cage my dreams,
    They soar freely among the wind and chalky ash.
    Although they've killed me, my family, my generation,
    They could never kill our spirits, pride or our hearts.
    ^^ the mind can never be contained... therefore we still hope to liove even in tough situations... well penned...

  • 15 years ago

    by Shinobi

    Eventhough there weren't rhymes in this piece... And eventhough it's written more like a story, I find it written fantasticly. The story here of a young girl in the midst of the holocaust can touch anyones heart. The death is a motive here, as it was back than. The atmosphere in this poem is gloomy, exactly like it was back than.
    It was nice to see though, that eventhough she suffers so much, she still has hopes and dreams. Those hopes and dreams, are what makes us human.

    Marvelous write 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by ilikepurple222

    Wow. i really loved this! it's so completely different from other poems i've read. this was extremely emotional and deep. i really loved the topic as well. my grandma was in a concentration camp when she was younger because she was an orphan. so this really hit home for me. great job with conveying the message and thought provoking feeling you had. i can't even choose one line that was my favorite because it was all perfectly amazing! great job with this one and keep it up! i love reading your writing! :)

  • 15 years ago

    by BitterXSweetness

    That was so sad. I want 2 say that it was beautiful in it's own way but bcuz of the heartwrenchingness (if that's even a word) it was horrible. It was horrible bcuz that really happened, that's some1's real story. I love poetry bcuz the story doesn't always have 2 b urs, but it's some1's. I like this poem cuz it makes u think, all the suffering in this world, we can just dream of purple butterflies and 4 some strange reason, things r a little better. I love the ending when she said that the fences r high but they can't cage in her dreams. <3 It's sadly beautiful bcuz she's fighting in her own way. 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by Chelsey

    For one, I find it really ironic just a few days ago I decided if i ever have a girl I want to name her Elliana lol

    This piece was heartbreaking...I hated in World History class that we had to learn about nazi camps and what not because it was so sad for me to even read and learn. I have a heart for people and knowing what things went on, especially to little innocent children is so heartbreaking...Very good descriptions in this piece! I absolutely loved it!

  • 14 years ago

    by Mr Rhee

    Karl, I don't know where, or who you got the idea for this from, but I have to ask, and I don't mean to sound critical, but I know you want me to be honest. This is more story than poem. VERY well written. Such strong imagery and emotions. Such detail. I ask you, have you seen a ghost? This was a very perfect write. Well done.

  • 14 years ago

    by lost in lovee

    This poem is amazingg! Would you mind if I gave it to my teacher to read in class? We are reading the book Night which is about the Holocaust and it would go perfect with it. I feel like I'm there while I'm reading this. I'm definately adding you to my favorite authors. 5/5