A friend

by BrokenAngel FallenFiend   Feb 9, 2010

A friend said,
I have to write a poem,
A long one,
A happy one.
So I sat at my desk,
Took out a pen,
Wrote out a line,
Started again.
Nothing was working,
It all ended sad,
It was getting annoying,
Making me mad.
I began to think,
About this friend,
And all the anger,
Came to an end.
I thought about his smile,
His laughter,
His voice.
I thought about his kindness,
I no longer had a choice.
The words began to flow,
From mind, to hand, to paper.
Writing out these words,
I never felt safer.
I knew he would never judge me,
For the things I said.
Never make me feel stupid,
Or wish I was dead.
The more I thought,
The more I thought,
The more the realization grew.
For this friend I had feelings,
Of which I never knew,
Feelings more than friendship.
Feelings more like love.
Feeling I never thought possible,
Feelings that fit like a glove.
So the poem I was writing,
Became about him,
And how I couldn't wait,
To see him again.
To show him the poem,
I had wrote with him in mind,
But never telling it was about him,
Never crossing that line.
For fear has stopped me,
In my tracks,
I need to calm down,
Try and relax.
So I won't show you,
I'll never tell,
About the poem I wrote for you,
It showed my feelings to well.
Because as much as I love you,
As much as you care,
I can't take the feeling,
Of having you stare,
Because of the feelings,
I have confessed,
And you not sharing them,
I couldn't have our friendship messed.
As a friend you mean more,
Than a loved lost lover,
So I'll end this poem,
Knowing my secret is covered.


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Latest Comments

  • 14 years ago

    by Grant Gilbert AKA Slash

    Well written your poem touches a spectrum of emotioms and was well conveyed to the reader. A nice poem well worth the read, keep it up. Grant

  • 14 years ago

    by Fabre

    Wow this is exactly how i feel about on of my best guy friends. i love it! it was beautiful

  • 15 years ago

    by withlove

    I love this poem!
    It caught me by surprise. I like how you talked about how poetry is often hard to write when you try and force it, but if you think of the right subject and you're really passionate about it, it just comes to you.
    It also made me think of my best friend because I was in the same situation, but I told him and we're still best friends a year later even though he doesn't feel the same so I encourage you to tell them...
    anyways great job! 5/5 =D

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