Comments : A friend

  • 15 years ago

    by withlove

    I love this poem!
    It caught me by surprise. I like how you talked about how poetry is often hard to write when you try and force it, but if you think of the right subject and you're really passionate about it, it just comes to you.
    It also made me think of my best friend because I was in the same situation, but I told him and we're still best friends a year later even though he doesn't feel the same so I encourage you to tell them...
    anyways great job! 5/5 =D

  • 14 years ago

    by Fabre

    Wow this is exactly how i feel about on of my best guy friends. i love it! it was beautiful

  • 14 years ago

    by Grant Gilbert AKA Slash

    Well written your poem touches a spectrum of emotioms and was well conveyed to the reader. A nice poem well worth the read, keep it up. Grant