Mummy, Why Did You Lie?

by Ayumi   Feb 9, 2010


Mummy, how could Daddy call?
I thought you said he died
But he's alive, and on the phone
Mummy, why did you lie?

Mummy, what did Daddy want?
Why did he make you cry?
Mummy don't hide - I know you did
Mummy, why did you lie?

Daddy, why did you do that?
Why did you make her cry?
Daddy, don't try to deny this fact
Daddy, why did you lie?

Daddy, please stop doing this
Our bills are now too high
You promised last month you'd pay for it
Daddy, why did you lie?

Mummy, take my money please
Take it and don't deny
I know you need it, no need to hide
Mummy, why must you lie?

Mummy, I heard he called again
Mummy, please tell me why
Don't try to change the subject now
Mummy, why must you lie?

Daddy, you're such a selfish prick
I bet you'd want to know why
Look at your empty promises, shall we?
Oh Daddy, why must you lie?

Daddy, I think Mummy's right
What she said was no lie
The person she loved when she married you
Yeah, that person died

(Who, you ask, is that person?
Well he, Daddy dear, was you.)


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  • 15 years ago

    by Stephanie

    Sorrowful, but sentimental.