Who am I?

by Ashley   Feb 11, 2010

Who am I?
From one day to another
Am I sombody else?
Or am I myself?
Perhaps another version of me

Who am I?
When I base my opinions
Am I left or right?
Am I bias or go by fact?
Or manipulated by other opinions

Who am I?
When I write
Is it me on this page or my lies?
Do I write what you want to read
Or do write what I would read?
Maybe I'm nobody to you

Who am I?
To speak to anyone
Are my words valued or ignore?
Should I remain silent or speak
My mind
Maybe I should just go

Who am I?
To live this life
Do I just take up space?
Am I here to love or teach?
Why am I so trapt?
Who am I?
To live at all
Perhaps I should leave.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Katie Makena

    You are a person. A human being put on this Earth for a reason to which no one knows, but there is a reason. You are a writer. One who puts the pencil to the paper and makes the words fit into place. You are a stranger, whom I don't know. I don't know you but good writing, keep it up!! (:
