Death and Ice Cream

by Soulful Ensemble   Feb 11, 2010

Beneath the darkest hole
In earth-- quivering rainbows
Lost from eyes that drooped
And slipped through cracks-- gone.

Holes of darkness lit up
Balloons that have no reason
And rhymes get lost inside
So very deep within you.

Purple, red and orange colors
Fly through a dying body
That breathless wind rustled
And gusts flew to the gutter.

Tears from dying babies
Mixed with tears of crow
Melt and flow with ice cream
From the happiness that's dead.

Its so funny, death,
When are you stopping by?
I have somethings to give you
And I'd love to say hi.

Death, when will you visit
I want to kiss your lips
And that jaw that dust has covered
With rotting acid drips.

Death, don't let me down
Please, I love you dearly
Take me, I give up--
I cannot wait to meet you.

Our house is not a home
But a walking heart that rips
Everytime breathing takes place
And two hours pass with emptiness.

I watch the old man clutch
Up towards the sky
With his very last gasp of air
And his wife yawns inside.

I carry coal to mothers
When their children explode
Leaving only clothes
And feces on the walls.

Tomorrow is a brand new yesterday
And yesterday is gone.
Every morning welcomes dust
That wind blows off in time.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Amygirl

    Excellent Excellent poem! Seemed very effortless and flowed perfectly, and the title is very creative ^_^
    Amazing job!