Minor Heart Attack/ The Note (By Marii And I)

by Mello193   Feb 11, 2010

Breathe. You Can Do It.
Just Hand Him The Note And Run.
-right foot, left foot, right foot.-
Forgot How To Walk For A Second There.
There's That Heart Attack Smile.
Those Fragile Glass Blue Eyes
-left, right, left, right-
Which Foot Goes First!?
I Can't Do This.
Look Away.
Some Thing's Missing From My Hand!
The Note.Wait.
That Means He Has It.
Can't You See I'm In A Rush Dammit!
MOVE!-left, right, left, right,-
Compose Your Self Your Going Into Chorus
-breathe in, breathe out, breathe in-
Sit In The Seat.
-breathe in, breathe out, in, out-
Breathe Dammit.
I. Told. Him.
Someone Tell Me There's A Paramedic Nearby.
I Think I Just Suffered A Minor Heart Attack.

And i took that note
and read it aloud
and all i could say
is i was proud
i felt my heart
skipping a beat
and now that girl is walking
on those shaking feet
and now i walked through hell for you
what an adventure to do


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