
by Juan   Feb 12, 2010

Ever felt a strong temptation?
The moment your eyes met?
All the time, or not just yet?
You hope there's a connection.

All you could do is ignore her.
You're guessing, she's out of your league.
Maybe she is, but it isn't your fault.
Her innocence did you over, with intrigue.
There's always hope, that's what you thought.

She turns her head to another direction.
Now, you stared at her face.
You're thinking this is better than a rejection.
You turned away once, just in case.

Your heart is beating so fast, like thudding foots steps.
Eyes met again, this time it was for a long time.
Its as if you're right beside her, but you're 10m away.
Just maybe, right now might just be your day.

She stood up and walked towards you.
You stood up and walked towards her.
She walked past you, towards the guy in blue.
Success is what you thought?
This is reality, the truth.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Fading Memory

    The part number one happen with me , but i just didn't did the part 2 just in case of "might's"

    5/5 great express