Gone Too Soon

by LittleMissReality   Feb 12, 2010

Gone too soon

Where did the years go
I never got to say I loved you one last time
Or give you that hug before I left
Although every day I will think of you

You left a mark on my heart
From the jokes on holidays
To the early morning coffee visits
You were my pal and I loved you every day

The morning they told me you were gone
Constantly relplays in my head
You were gone in just a blink of an eye
And I wish I could blink one more time to bring you back

Going home with out your visits
It feels like I have an empty mark
I just wanna hear the doorbell ring and there you are
But that will never be

I know you are watching over us
You are happy and in your place
Although you know with every tear I shed I miss you
I want you to know that nothing can replace you

Missing you is hard
Going on is harder
But I want you to know I love you
And you will always be my Grandpa H


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  • 15 years ago

    by Tammi

    This is very sad and brought tears to my eyes for it reminds me of my time with my dad who passed away last June and i miss him so bad and always will thank you for such a personal poem 5/5
