Realm Of Impossibility I Thus Seek (Tanka)

by Mimed Lovette   Feb 14, 2010

Freeing up my heart
for fields that lay a'yonder.
Where berries stay ripe
and thee dost not hasten leave.
Bind me for eternity.

-Tanka poems are short, lyrical poetry structured in 31 syllables
arranged in groups of 5, 7, 5, 7 and 7, syllables,
in a two-part form with the first part in 5, 7, 5,
and the second part in 7 and 7.-


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  • 15 years ago

    by Lu

    You have done a wonderful job on this form Landy.

    Bind me for eternity.
    Love the ending. Wraps it up nicely!

  • 15 years ago

    by Melpomene


    Well done on writing a formed poem, people say this structure is quite simple but I think not, I believe no formed poem is simple hence why i'm always writing free verse. I remember in the RTVW writing challenges you had some trouble with syllables but not here, the count was perfect and i'm impressed.

    I liked the use of archaic language in this poem, it really worked well with the theme, even though you're however not trying to portray this I got the feeling of the Garden of Eden from your poem, it's amazing how such a short poem can portray such beautiful imagery into my mind...

    I felt a tranquil feeling while reading this poem, your words literally relaxed me and for that again I am impressed. Not too many nature poems are written these days and as much as I adore nature and use it in my poems I never seem to create a lovely nature poem so well done for this.

    Overall a lovely read.

    & thank you for the comments you have been leaving on my poetry, I have just been busy the past few months that I havn't been able to write too many comments, but I am reading.

  • 15 years ago

    by Chelsey

    So few people can master poetry such as this, and look at you, writing like a pro! I loved this piece! you seem to blow me away with every write no matter the form or the topic! Great work!