Not Master of my Mind

by Amir Riveroll   Feb 14, 2010

Dusty, squeaky clean bones tucked from sight
Hidden, buried, afraid to experience the light.
A secret, a mistake, a piece of me,
My smiles mask the presence of who I ought to be.
I am alone, I am afraid to spill my catastrophic oil,
Polluting, destroying my false but content habitat, already in turmoil.
They stare into my soul but see pitch black eyes,
They listen and believe my voice, smothered in lies.
I kick, I scream, I ball out for equality,
I cry, I regret but my conscience won't let it out of me.
I move my lips with the intent to squeal,
My lips betray me by saying the opposite of how I really feel.
Love is my addiction yet heartache puts me to sleep,
Misery is my foundation and anger my retreat.
I stare I look appalled at my own reflection,
Who is this impostor I see who has stolen my elation.
Im lost, im depressed, ive fallen to pieces,
My conscience ripped myself to shreds without anesthesis.
I squeeze tears of disgust, a fallen soldier I left for dead,
I lost my sane in the battlefield inside my head.


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  • 14 years ago

    by hayden

    I really enjoyed this, but what i get is that this is a reflection of yourself. Have more faith in societ and yourself.

  • 15 years ago

    by Mazie

    This is definitely my favorite. its amazing. i can't even describe how i feel about this poem. very very good job. :]

  • 15 years ago

    by ilikepurple222

    I added this to MY FAVORITES. this was beautiful. i loved the raw emotion and deep feelings in it.
    "My lips betray me by saying the opposite of how I really feel. Love is my addiction yet heartache puts me to sleep, Misery is my foundation and anger my retreat. I stare I look appalled at my own reflection, Who is this impostor I see who has stolen my elation."
    i absolutely loved these lines that words can't even describe. amazing job! :)