Cupid's Chokehold

by Krista   Feb 15, 2010

Foamy waves rise and crash into the sand,
Erasing footprints in a long forgotten shore.
Once white beaches where we walked hand in hand,
now exist as a fading image in our memory's core.

Melancholy birds fly overhead, singing a sorrowful song.
I remember that day clearly, burned into my mind -
you said you wouldn't be gone too long,
kissed my cheek, leaving true love behind.

A knock at the door interrupts my daydream,
images of our family - what lies ahead.
I opened the cold wood door to your smile,
and grew weak in the knees, falling into your arms.
A haunting love once lost and confused - renewed.


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  • 14 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    It was like you going into a dream, dreaming about your love..that was what I got. It had a dreamy atmosphere with the feelings the heart would get when in love..good write :)

  • 15 years ago

    by Kuro

    Its hard to grasp what this poem is really about as it does not have much depth of feeling in it... or at least the feelings weren't quite explained clearly, but you were very descriptive of the things around the character.

    keep up the good work. i hope to read from you soon :)