So Strong...

by Brittany   Feb 15, 2010

I used to be so strong,
tell me please, Where'd I go wrong?

Was i not suppose to let him in,
Is this where love ends and hate begins?

We don't talk, we argue.
and i never know if what you say is the truth.

Your annoying and you say the same things everyday,
Your boring, so tell me why can't I walk away?

I find myself wondering why
you don't walk away too..

but the only explantation you give is
I Love You.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Happy With A New Start

    Dear Writer of this poem,

    May i borrow this beautiful poem for my artwork?? We are drawing in class and for our backgrounds we put poems...I thought this was a beautiful poem and it described my life at the moment??

    p.s. I'd very much appericate if you let me, borrow it??
