
by Alyx   Feb 15, 2010

I step away from the door
My heart drops suddenly to the floor
This seems so final
Is this the end?
We've seen to much to just be friends
My tears fall silently
I feel so hurt
You've made me feel worse than dirt
I won't get over you
But somethings says you were done long ago
Just stringing me along till I was filled with woe
Leaving me heart broken
Taking the broken pieces
I sob until my heart beat ceases
This is the end I guess
And I'm left to clean up the mess
Goodbye to him and hello to the blade
That's it, finally my pain fades...


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  • 14 years ago

    by victoria

    Really emotional. lovely. you have some good vivid moments in this poem. keep it up. your good.


    if u have anytime plz comment and rate my poems. thank u,.

  • 15 years ago

    by Happy With A New Start

    Dear Writer of this poem,

    It's Amazing! I love it...i honestly can see where you would come from. I actually am just now realizing after A year apart my ex did just that to me..


  • 15 years ago

    by Karin Erlacher

    Check your spelling.. it's not seases.. it's ceases.