Comments : Forever Wanderer

  • 15 years ago

    by Melpomene


    First of all I want to say how much I enjoyed the contest you created, you always come up with interesting ideas that expand our club as writers and for that I must thank you. I must also say congrats on winning a place in this challenge, I thought it was really well deserved..

    Your style has changed quite abit as of late and I love it. I like both the older way you write and the newer. I believe that when you read poetry of others you really take in the style that you like and your like a sponge haha.. I think you have the mind to learn anything but you've created quite your own style here and it interests me muchly. I loved the format of this piece, I don't know how many times I can say it but when you write in this format with wording like you do it really allows me to grasp onto your words.

    "Suitcase of a dreamer's tears
    hidden in a closet of darkness. .
    Where skeletons dangle
    damaged and broken.
    -solitary traveler-"

    My favorite stanza above, I liked this because of the use of skeletons, I havn't read too much about skeletons as of late and the imagery you created into my mind I liked. It was dark and it really helped with the understanding of this poem. I felt when reading this is came directly from your heart, like an open book you poured yourself out.. I loved this piece, and even though i've read others by you that I loved more the emotion was raw and I felt that was the most important thing of the poem.. the fact that emotion came first.

    "Sticks and stones
    may break my bones"

    I liked the use of the quoted above, because it comes from a vulnerable place to me, too me it's kind of ironic because it's something sung by innocent children and yet it has a sinister feel behind it.. I think it worked well here, because it shows how one sweet and innocent has been weathered by the storm..
    I also liked how im comparison to the memories haunting you it seems as though you'd take the broken bones any day just like I would, as you know they heal but the painful memories never do.

    Overall I thought this was a clever piece which I enjoyed reading. Well done.


  • 15 years ago

    by Beautiful Chaos

    I really enjoyed this Lu and I think you took a step outside your usual here because I did not guess it was yours. It was a pleasant surprise.

    "Suitcase of a dreamer's tears
    hidden in a closet of darkness. .
    Where skeletons dangle
    damaged and broken.
    -solitary traveler-"

    The opening made me think of painting and this gave me some inspiration for the canvas, it was my favorite stanza. I think you paint a good picture here with your word choice.

    great job!

  • 14 years ago

    by Cindy

    Another wonderful piece you have penned. I love the way the poem went through different stages of your life. I could feel the sadness, pain and yes love through your words.

    Soul embraces ... time
    and the growing tranquility
    of dawning light.
    Adoration replaces fake smiles
    as a charcoal smudge
    - motherhood journey -

    This was my favorite part. I think because our children give us our greatest joy in life.
    Excellent job!
    Take care

  • 14 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    I like the word choice and your use of metaphors. Good imagery and a deep meaning that is up for interpretation. Great job!

  • 14 years ago

    by Sourav

    Good use of words and nicely constructed lines. The opening of this poem is fantastic. Wonderful write!

  • 14 years ago

    by The Queen

    Congrats on the win Luu<33...

  • 14 years ago

    by Nee

    Congrats Babe!!! Awesomely deserved =) <3

  • 14 years ago

    by Corinne

    Congratulations Luanne with you well deserved win.

  • 14 years ago

    by Christopher Wry

    The wording was a little disjointed to me otherwise a good piece.