Comments : Kiss off Faith

  • 15 years ago

    by WitherBlisterBurnandPeel

    There were some spelling mistakes that you perhaps missed in a hurry? Off instead of 'of' and ma instead of my? Perhaps I am wrong?

    Other than that it was a wonderfully written poem. The imagery that you created gave me flashbacks of my own childhood. Keep in there.

  • 15 years ago

    by Adelaide

    Wow, how amazing and powerful. I can feel the pain and the struggle to be a strong mother to your children. I am sorry for all of the suffering and abuse you have had in your life. Great poem!

  • 15 years ago

    by RoseBlood

    I read this and after that I started writing Shattered. It's a good thing in life to have someone to live for. I am too young to have kids, but I am aware of the fact that they can be a support and a burden sometimes.
    It is a wonderful thing that you're trying to be a good mother (something my mom never tried with me, too busy with my sister), and I really appreciate that. Life has many ups and downs, and to have someone to hold on, even though he's young, is a very uplifting thing.
    I like you put this poem into a story.
    Take care
    Carla :)