In Dreams

by Nikoshiana   Feb 21, 2010

Deep within a dream last night
I dreamt that you came back,
You looked into my deep blue eyes
And saw in them, my lack.

You held me close inside your arms
And felt my heart so weak,
You asked me if "I was ok?"
But me, I couldnt speak.

The very pain of losing you
Just flooded through my soul,
And ive forgotton the last time
I ever, last, felt whole

And no matter how i tried,
To tell you how I felt,
The sorrow of my loss of you
Took over everything else.

And so within that moment
Of my ever wistful dream,
I woke myself in turmoil
Not knowing what it means.

Theres a beauty in dreams
When two lovers reunite...
But then, anguish and sorrow
Comes with the morning light,

That old saying springs to mind
"He made my dreams come true",
Yet i dont know what id say now,
Faced with the face of you.

For somehow still you haunt me
Even after all this time,
And in each dream I dream of you
Im crying all the time.

Its like someone took my sky away
And left a sheet of black,
No star light, no sunshine,
No sign of coming back.

Deep within my dream last night
I dreamt - as dreamers do,
That I had back what i had lost
And was once again with you.

And though I was un-able to speak
My weary heart did show....
That I will always love you,
No matter...the sorrow.

*Feb 2010*
For DW


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  • 14 years ago

    by Dreamofolwin

    So sad and touching. A poem written from the heart. You really convey your thoughts and feelings so well to the reader... of a lost love who cannot be forgotten or unloved. Well Done :)

    All the Best and take care.. Olwin.