Comments : Until We Meet Again

  • 15 years ago

    by AJ

    Excellent write Karl, I enjoy reading poems written in this style.. Glad to have you in the club, looks like you will fit right in with the rest of us. Keep up the good work!

  • 15 years ago

    by Mr Rhee

    My, oh my. Such deep love. Some of us know it's a pleasure, even more, a gift. To see it. To touch it. To hold it. Only the lucky ones? And so sad for the time apart, until you meet again. An exquisite poem bequeathing your love. An excellent piece!

  • 15 years ago

    by ilikepurple222

    This was beautiful we all want to feel that sort of love. great job with writing out the feelings. :)

  • 15 years ago

    by PorcelainMoon

    Moving. What was her rack like?

  • 15 years ago

    by Sora

    What a beautiful poem. So much meaning behind it, so loving. I enjoy reading poems such as yours. Poems where you can imagine every line in your mind. Wonderful job, 5/5.


  • 15 years ago

    by Lu

    Such a beautifully woven piece Karl, that brings smiles yet tears.

    I'll forever think of you under starlit skies,
    Laugh at the cute little girl you hid inside.
    Promise I won't forget we hate goodbyes,
    Or all the times I held you when you cried.
    Love this stanza most of all. The feeling it gives is just unexplainable.
    To always carry someone in your heart and memories ... forever ... just heart melting.

    Excellent read Karl, so glad I had the chance to read this beauty!

  • 15 years ago

    by Faithless

    I think whatever that I wanted to say has been said. Really an excellent write, I like how you end it. Probably one of the best poem I've read in a while. Excellent Job

  • 15 years ago

    by lost in lovee

    This poem was beautifully written. I felt like I'm there while I was reading it and I loved that the most. The flow was wonderful and I could really feel the emotions jumping out at me. You're a really good writer. 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by KJ

    I absolutely love your works Karl. I have to brace myself whenever reading. I love your choice of elegant vocabulary in each poem. You have a way of saying EXACTLY how you feel in such a beautiful manner. There isnt much more that I can say other than this deserves nothing less than a 5.

  • 15 years ago

    by ibelievedhim

    Awwwwww :( im sorry

  • 15 years ago

    by PinkyPrincess

    Awwww... this poem is soooo beautiful!!! Reading it made me feel so romantic and love! This poem made my day!! Such beautiful and romantic words... you've expressed the kind of special love everyone is searching for... Amazing.. I love it! Great job!

  • 15 years ago

    by Em

    This is the most beautiful poem I have read in ages, written well. 5/5, Em

  • 15 years ago

    by AMANDA M

    I love the flow it's been a while since i wrote and glad to say dat your poem is the first i read since i logged bac on so thanx u reminded me what it was like wen i was younger but sadly with time i've grown too complaisant.

  • 15 years ago

    by AMANDA M

    I love the flow it's been a while since i wrote and glad to say dat your poem is the first i read since i logged bac on so thanx u reminded me what it was like wen i was younger but sadly with time i've grown too complaisant.

  • 15 years ago

    by Chelsey

    :( Ok, this just made me really sad. I'm so used to your sweet romantic poetry and the one poem you decide to write about breaking up crushed me. How sad :( The worst part of breaking up is the memories. You'll always thing of them at certain times, certain places and its so hard. But eventually time does heal wounds, or at least allows you to get up and have a normal day.
    This was still beautifully written as always. It doesn't matter what you write its always incredible.

  • 15 years ago

    by H E Losey

    First, I liked the story told here and the emotion that was attempted to be conveyed.
    I felt the write was a little verbose(but then I am succinct) and the metre caused a difficult read(to me due to being wordy).
    As in all comments these are just opinions and I am if nothing else truthful in relating mine.

  • 15 years ago

    by Cotton Candy Clouds

    I can still recall with immaculate precision,
    The night we met under starlit skies.
    An angel so precious once impossible to envision.
    Was now standing right before my eyes.
    ^^ this is such a strong opening! you take the reader right to where you were. I love how you describe this girl. I hope and pray my boyfriend sees me the same way.

    I remember our laughs and late night talks,
    At least a hundred times we'd say goodnight.
    Holding hands through Central Park walks,
    Even when wrong, you were always right.
    ^^tehehe i loved the last line! girls love to be right and that fit it perfectly. The first two lines reminded me of my first boyfriend. it was nice to feel a connection to your poem and to know what you were going through.

    Or the time we danced near Willow Pond,
    I held you so close under the pouring rain.
    Your love took me to ecstasy and beyond,
    The taste of your kiss, sweet champagne.
    ^^great description here! especially the last line. I could so picture this scene in my mind. I really like how specific your memories are "Central Park" and "Willow Pond" it added a personal touch to the poem

    The day I knew you loved me I'll never forget,
    You let down the walls protecting your heart.
    Showed me the little girl in you with no regret,
    Thought I knew then and there we'd never part.
    ^^oh boy : / this indicates a turn in the poem. It was going so well and happy until that last line. I like the foreshadowing but i really do not want this to turn into a sad the way good way to describe when you knew she loved you

    Love lasts so long and times without ending,
    Now we both know hearts truly can change.
    We must move on, little use in pretending,
    Just know our memories I'll never exchange.
    ^^"little use in pretending" such a truthful line. Too many guys or girls i know just stay in the relationship because the are scared of the others reaction. There really is no need in pretending!

    I'll forever think of you under starlit skies,
    Laugh at the cute little girl you hid inside.
    Promise I won't forget we hate goodbyes,
    Or all the times I held you when you cried.
    ^^ "hate" i thought sounded better as "hated" but that is just my opinion! Other than that, flawless :)

    Still even now its unbearable to say goodbye
    Can't let my heart know this is really the end.
    I won't forget you beautiful wouldn't dare to try,
    So for now my love, my heart, my friend.....

    Until we meet again.
    ^^wow great ending to! so strong. I really felt for your emotions while reading this. I think just about everyone can relate to the struggle to let someone they love go...

    Your poem was amazing! i think i only found one thing i would correct. Great great great job! 5/5

  • 14 years ago

    by Dreamofolwin

    BEAUTIFUL.... ! You have a real talent for writing love poems, Lol. This one just touched my heart... I loved it. Beautifully written and expressed :)

  • 14 years ago

    by tinna

    Still brilliant as ever!

  • 14 years ago

    by WakingFreedom

    What can I say? Your write is deep with emotion, enough to fill the seas. The story told was just beautifully sad. Your flow was right on. I can not critque on anything that you write. Love is beautiful, yet brings us sadness... eh?