April Surprise

by Stephanie Michelle   Feb 24, 2010

Sitting here watching the leaves blow by slow,
I can't help but wonder where passing days go.
It seems like just days ago you were first born
I'll never forget that April day's morn.

Upon hearing the news of a new baby boy,
The family's heart fluttered in joy.
Hospital doors were flooded with love,
We had to all visit our gift from above.

I'll always remember the very first day,
You entered my life and blew me away.
Your fragile body wrapped up so tender,
With you in my arms i felt a new splendor.

Growing so fast, every day's new.
I'm thankful for moments I've spent life with you.
3-6-5 days you've now seen through your eyes,
You're no doubt my favourite April surprise!

--- This is a poem I wrote about my nephew who's turning one on April 2nd... Sorry for putting it in the "love" category, it just didn't seem to fit anywhere else XD


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  • 15 years ago

    by Lu

    Such a beautiful piece woven with love.

    Growing so fast, every day's new.
    I'm thankful for moments I've spent life with you.
    3-6-5 days you've now seen through your eyes,
    You're no doubt my favourite April surprise!
    Loved this stanza, especially the last line.

    Though I'm a little early ... a happy happy birthday to your sweet little nephew.

    Beautiful verses! Very much enjoyed the read