
by LittleMissReality   Feb 24, 2010


It’s the way you make my laugh
The way you make me smile
My stomach fills with butterflies
That go crazy about you

I have never felt this way before
You make my heart skip
My stomach roll
I fear I will loose you

In the year I have known you
I have never felt this way
The fear makes me hold on stronger
Help the butterflies grow

I just want one chance
To see how the butterflies go
If you will still make me smile
And my heart race

I have never wanted anything more
I just wanna be with you
You make me, me
My heart and butterflies tell me so

Just one chance will prove it all
I just want to know
Are my butterflies right?
Are you the one for me?


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  • 15 years ago

    by morgan

    It is a good poem. i liked what you were trying to say. it was good, but i have two critiques on it. one, in my opinion it did not flow very well, so i would reread it and see if you could improve the fluidity in it because it is kind of choppy in some parts. two, i would watch the rhyme skeam in it.

    if you were going for a free style, no rhyme skeam then it was extreamly good.

    i am sorry that i was so hard on you poem. i was just trying to help you. i cant wait till i see another one of your poems.

    Morgan :):):):):):):):)