by rpmnark7   Feb 24, 2010

If you are one who gets offended easily...
It's simple...
Don't read this.

When I signed on this morning, I had a message from someone because I apparently hurt her feelings or something with a quote I posted.
I guess I offended her.

"When someone moves on, it's simple: They're gone. Don't dwell on the past, it obv didn't last for a reason. Grow up. Keep fighting. Don't cut urself bc ur bf of 2 weeks dumps u. It's not worth it. Life Goes On"

Life should be worth so much more than what kids make it out to be.
If you get dumped....cheated on...whatever....
Write about it....Isn't that what this site is for?
Sharing feelings? Poems? Quotes? Whatever you need to write about???
Don't CUT about it? It's not worth it!
If you choose to....it's YOUR choice. If it makes you feel better to bleed and feel pain....fine...but don't cry about it after you do it.

When you see someone in that much pain....esp if it's someone you care about...
It kinda hurts....
No one wants to see their best friend die because of some boy.

I am a person who has been there before...
but i grew out of it.

When you get your heart broken...Yeah...IT SUCKS....
And im sure that almost everyone on this site can agree to that....But is it really worth leaving scars that you will have to live with for the rest of your life?
Do you want to explain to your kids that you were not strong enough to deal with a break up so you decided to make a canvas of your arm?

I'm sure that will set a great example for how they should deal with things when they get their heart broken.

No matter how hard it may seem....you can get better....Yes, some part of you may hurt for a long time...it might feel as though part of you will be missing forever...but even cutters can agree with me when I say that it doesn't last forever.
It's just a phase.

Because when you think you can't go on...someone will eventually come along and pick you up....and everything will be ok again...or until they too hurt you...or whatever happens. but it's the truth.

I hate seeing ppl so upset thinking that their life isn't worth living bc something didn't work out.
Do you really want that special person to come back bc they feel sorry for you???
Then they arent there bc they want to be...it's bc they want you to do something stupid.

You can't blame someone for not being happy.


You have more strength than you think.
When you cut yourself, you break yourself down more than any one person could have done.
Why would you want to hurt yourself more?

People say that cutting is their only control....you cant control emotional pain..but you can control physical pain....

yes, when you think about it, it does make sense....
and thats how i thought too...
but in the end....he's still gone....it still hurts....and now you have this cut up arm that is sore to the touch....
and you realize it got you nowhere.


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  • 14 years ago

    by .mommy_3

    I've been there done that. & like you said It's not worth having scars there for the rest of your life. The heartbreak eventually goes away, the scars don't. To me, even though I cut, writing always helped more. Even if you can't rhyme or make it sound poetic, just write. I don't cut anymore, but the scars are there forever.

  • 15 years ago

    by Joey P

    It is as if you pulled this directly from my brain. I think that this is a very good way of thinking about the whole thing. It put a different perspective as to what I did to myself any why I did it. So I say thank you

  • 15 years ago

    by Joey P

    It is as if you pulled this directly from my brain. I think that this is a very good way of thinking about the whole thing. It put a different perspective as to what I did to myself any why I did it. So I say thank you

  • 15 years ago

    by XXlonelyXX

    I agree with you. some of my poems that i write are just an expression of how i feel. i dont self harm =) its not worth it as they grow up they will see how much life has to offer and how much they have to lose

  • 15 years ago

    by Annie

    I agree with what you say. It does make it hard on others when someone hurts themselves. I understand because I was once there too. And all it is is a constant reminder as you say. But i am also the type that slips and no matter how much i know it's bad sometimes i slip back into the habit. But I do stop. I honestly hate the habit and wish i was a strong enough person or smart enough to get over it and myself. And what you said wasn't offending to me at all, and if it's honestly what you think don't even worry about what others think.