Comments : Whispering Memories

  • 15 years ago

    by Sylvia

    Good job with the image contest and congrats on the tie for first place. Brought the lighthouse to life. Well done.

  • 15 years ago

    by Cindy

    You did such a wonderful job with your tie winning poem. The piece you have pennned goes perfectly with the image you chose. Beautiful poem
    Love Cndy

  • 15 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    This poem stood out at me from the beginning of the contest, awesome job. congrats on the image contest

  • 15 years ago

    by Lady Nik

    Acidic memories,
    drenched me again
    last night,

    *I can really relate to that. I feel that way whenever the memory of someone comes back and I don't know how to handle it. I think you did a wonderful job with the image. Your words are soft and hold so much sadness and pain in them. I love the way this was written. It was simple but the emotions described can be different for anyone. I loved this piece hun, very well done. Nik*

  • 15 years ago

    by Beautiful Chaos

    Why still stands,
    solitary lighthouse

    ^It feels like there is a word missing in here somewhere

    Aside from this, I thought it was wonderful. Without even looking at the photo that inspired this, I think you did a great job and created a great image in the reader's head. I really enjoyed reading this, nice work.

  • 14 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    ^Why still stands,
    solitary lighthouse^

    This couplet is missing a need an a or a the before solitary and the first line is worded unnaturally. You could have worded it:

    WHy a solitary lighthouse still stands

    Still standing is a solitary lighthouse

    something worded a little different that sounds more natural.

    I know English isn't your first language so you get extra kudos.

    I like the word choice, imagery and emotion.

  • 14 years ago

    by PinkyPrincess

    Beautifulll!!! This poem is amazing and really touched me! I really enjoyed it and am so proud of you! Congratulations on the win!! You really deserve it... This was so beautifully written.. I love the imagery you've created. Wonderful job!