It's Psychosis, Freak.

by FlowerThatDied   Feb 26, 2010

White machines and silver wires keep me sewn together,
Beeping noises and stolen seconds make my stomach itch,
Locked up rooms and judging drugs keep me light as a feather,
Blinking eyes and gold fish lips that scream at noiseless pitch.

Step away,
From the window,
Can you hear me now?
Please don't go,
I'm empty without you,
Can you hear me now?

Golden sunshine and hazy blue through thick doubled glass,
Aching scars and burning showers keep me calm and quiet,
Powerful white suits and cushioned rooms make my psychosis pass,
Daydreaming and waiting for the others to riot.

Step away,
From the window,
Can you hear me now?
Please don't go,
I'm empty without you,
Can you hear me now?

Step away,
From the window,
I don't need you to hear me now.
Don't stay,
I'm crazy around you,
Can you hear me now?

Trigger tickles and bullets bound calling me to never be found,
Ruining rope and chaotic chair persuading me to be unfair,
Boasting blade and venomous vein I'll be insane without making a sound,
Persuasive pills and wailing whiskey makes me risky now I don't care.


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Latest Comments

  • 14 years ago

    by SheenaMarie

    Amazing write 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by Beautiful Chaos

    I actually rather enjoyed this and the picture you painted. I think people could easily look at it in many different ways and compare it to their own experiences.

    I wasn't fond of the word "frisky" in the ending line, but overall I think you did a really good job here, nice work.