Tortured Soul

by Cindy   Feb 27, 2010

Tortured Soul

Crashing waves echo her name
Damned to a life of sorrow
Despondent without his love
Dark visions, haunted tomorrows

Shivering hopeless on cliffs edge
Lighting flashes no strength to fight
Tortured souls, sorrowful rain
Reunited on a stormy night

Thunder roars "Come now love"
Letting go jagged rocks wait
Falling, shattered, broken, lifeless
Watery tomb now her fate

Written for a image contest

Written by: Cynthia Graver
Feb 16, 2010


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Latest Comments

  • 14 years ago

    by Andrew


  • 14 years ago

    by Yakari Gabriel

    I love this..
    very strong emotions
    beautiful sad write,well done (:

  • 15 years ago

    by Kuro

    I read your poem before looking at the picture. i had this image with my mind's eye. but it was more of an image. you gave it an emotion with ominous intent.

    then i looked at the picture. aside from being a little bit higher, it was dead on accurate.

    very nice job. 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by anand singh

    The message portrayed is quite vivd and the image is indeed stunning.
    Though sad, it was beautifully penned.

  • 15 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    Thunder roars "Come now love"
    Letting go jagged rocks wait
    Falling, shattered, broken, lifeless
    Watery tomb now her fate

    So sad and the image here is so very vivid!
    Well done with the challenge :)