Comments : I want to tell you

  • 15 years ago

    by Lesbian Natalie

    5/5...It's not easy to tell someone you like them, but give him hints....he just might like you the same way...good luck with this...I have several love poems you may look at also if you want.....

  • 14 years ago

    by Beautiful Chaos

    I like the premise and emotion behind the poem, the fear I think we have all faced at some point that we could be rejected, so we just sit holding on to this image in our head, pining away. The flow of the overall piece was totally off for me though, the rhyming could have been better, it was a little cliche and stop and go. keep working on nit though, it has potential

  • 14 years ago

    by Steven

    It's always hard to tell someone how you feel... i'm sure many been in your shoes.. scared of a rejection and not sure if they like you... that's how hard it gets sometimes.. but it's true! haha love your style and love how it flows! keep up the good work! love to see more!