Blood On My Hands

by FindingHarmonyInYurCries   Mar 3, 2010

I was sitting there,
Back on the wall.
They didn't see me,
They only saw her fall.

They didn't hear the words,
That were said just before.
Or the promises of pain,
Continuing someone elses war.

We all saw the blood,
That flowed from her nose.
But they didn't see me smile,
As blood ran to her toes.

In a pool of blood she lay,
Eyes vacant and not seeing.
So I let myself laugh,
And embraced the feeling.

Eyes in my direction,
I swore she could see me.
She saw right through me,
To the death of my being.

I was dark inside,
And now so was she.
Only she was dead,
While I continued to be.

I smiled to myself,
As I walked away.
Still no-one noticed,
So life was the same.

I walked outside,
And passed by a mirror.
The image seemed changed,
Just a little clearer.

I realised that it was me,
Finally looking back.
I'd lashed out and changed,
Became what I always lacked.

It was then that I woke,
To the sound of a scream.
It was mine so I whispered,
It was only a dream,
It was only a dream.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Hologram

    As dark as it is; I love it ...
    Just dont go killin anyone, darling.

    Fan-f**kiing-tastic write
    - As always.


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