The Stranger In My Bed

by Ariangela   Mar 3, 2010

There's a stranger in my bed, I wish I knew his name.
Last night when he held me close, I still felt the same.
I'm looking at him sleeping, knowing this is wrong.
He opens his eyes and kisses me like he's being doing all along.
He gets up and goes to work, the usual routine.
But for the last year he's been a huge mystery to me.
I call him to try and remember everything,
But his phones already off, I wish for an answer, anything.
For the rest of the day he ignores all my calls,
He picks up twice but both times he's got to go.
I call his job I get a "sorry he's not here",
Just like that on my cheek lies a tear.
He's not working that much is sure,
My heart keeps telling me this has happened before.
Not once not twice but countless times,
I've looked past it, ignored all the signs.
On my nightstand there's a picture of us holding hands,
Who in the world is this man?
I remember taking that picture, it was a more than a year ago,
But it can't be the same guy who hurt me so.
Yes they may look exactly the same,
But the guy in the picture would never bring me pain.
I still remember all the promises and all the sweet things he said.
But this stranger who comes home late and lays in my bed,
Doesn't hold the same qualities or use the same words.
Then why is it so hard to let this stranger go?
Everyday he gets home and rambles on with lies,
For a stranger he sure can make me cry.
How does a stranger have this affect on me?
He's killing me inside, Doesn't he see?
But he just lays down and goes to sleep.
There's a stranger in my bed who's got a strong hold of me.


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  • 14 years ago

    by Ariangela

    Thank you =)

  • 14 years ago

    by Merdy

    Very impressive