Do you still love me?

by Merdy   Mar 5, 2010

"Do you still love me?"
In my head I repeat the question
Do I still love you?
"Of course I do"
As I lie to her face
It is Dec 24
She believes I am In love with another women
I would never tell her she is correct
As we spend more time together
I realize....
I am tired of you
On my face you can see the imprints of our love
The only prof that our love did exist
The very home a smile once lived
When we first meet you where everything I valued
You were so special to me....
I once believed you were touched by god
Forgive me but i cant continue
This practical joke we call love
A false relationship....
Constantly forced to comb though the tangled lies
Perhaps our love was never made...
A watch without a craftsmen.


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  • 14 years ago

    by Marcus blake

    If i didn't comment this then it is the shit good job ^_^

  • 15 years ago

    by Merdy

    Im glad you enjoyed it

  • 15 years ago

    by Sylvia

    It is sad when this happens to love between two people. One lies and says yes to Do you still love me. Deep down I think it is because we don't want to hurt them but in the long run that one lie does hurt. Well done.

  • 15 years ago

    by Merdy

    Thank you

  • 15 years ago

    by onceinabluemoonx

    Great work :)