Life With A Safe Heart

by FindingHarmonyInYurCries   Mar 6, 2010

A new day but old news
It's those feelings again
The ones that let you know you're broken
And constantly in pain

A murmur that turns to screaming
As the day progresses on
You remember everything that's passed
All the people who are gone

It's nothing compared to then
But it can still bring you down
You still can crumble
At the memory of a sound

The stories vary from then to now
But the idea is the same
That day you broke permanently
And changed everything but your name

Accepting change is hard though
Especially in yourself
But maybe it's for the best
That your heart is on a shelf

It's now untouchable
Safe from the world around you
Although the love is gone
There's nothing else you can do ..


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  • 14 years ago

    by Hologram

    Things will continue to get better.
    Perhaps one day everything will all
    be fixed.

    Until then; yu will always have me :)


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