Love's Suicide

by Chloe Johnson   Mar 8, 2010

I see you standing there
Begging me to take you in;
How you wish I would take a step towards you,
And let my grounds cave in.
I use to think my words were powerful,
But the thought of your voice slams me like bricks.
The concrete floor has become my friend.
I find it hard to stand after each of your hits.
This ground is muddy.
An unwanted war was fought here.
My guns are empty now.
Rain pouring down is all I hear.
I brace myself and stand,
Looking at you is the hardest thing.
I use to play this game so well;
But now I can't even take a swing.
I'm brought to my knees,
Because I've gotten weak.
I bow my head slowly
And I pray my soul for angels' keep.
I know you're coming closer;
Fear strikes me again.
I won't reach for my sword;
I can't fight if I can't defend.
When I see you drop besides me
I feel your strength break.
You ask me what happened,
And if we created this hate.
You collapse into me
And now I'm confused.
You shatter me like a dream,
And now you expect me to comfort you?
With your head on my shoulder,
You beg me to take you away.
You don't want to see my broken heart.
All you want is the break of a new day.
Your voice becomes a whisper
As you bring up old memories-
The day we first met;
The night you said you love me.
We sat there and cried,
And I held you like I use to do.
Gently I picked up my gun,
And I pointed it straight at you.
Your eyes widened with fear
And I slowly close mine.
I stand up, keeping aim,
"You've hurt me for the last time."
"Without a gun I can't protect you,
But with one I can finally stand.
No, I'm not going to embrace you,"
As I gently turned my hand.
"I hope you're happy now, baby."
As I point the gun to my chest,
"You've won the biggest battle,
And now you can let me rest."
My finger pushes the trigger,
And you scream, "No, take me!"
But now it's too late.
You've never defended me.
So to all of those out there,
This is love's suicide.
After being beaten down,
A heart can truly die.


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  • 14 years ago

    by Dontay
