Why are u the way u are?
Why are u so nice 2 me and then u change ur mind?
Why do u do the things u do?
The things that make me hate u.
Why are u the way u are?
Why do u try 2 be a badass when ur not?
Why do u act as if u care, and then u pull away?
But u always ask me to stay.
Why are u the way u are?
Why are u the nicest person in the world when we are alone?
Why dont u talk 2 me unless something is wrong?
Never when things are aiight.
Why are u the way u are?
Why do u want me 2 love u?
Why are u the best thing thats ever happened 2 me?
Why do i look at u and see everything ive ever wanted?
Why are u the perfect person?
Why are u the only person 2 make me so happy when i used 2 be so sad?
Why do i love u the way i do?