Waiting on Rebirth

by Lemma   Mar 18, 2010

I've been glued back together,
Just like a broken vase.
The cracks will always be there,
Erasable as scars.

Reminders of a former life,
On which I do not think,
The lies, the pain, the sacrifice,
Pushed me to the brink.

You'd think that now I'm happy,
That my life is now complete,
I'd let go of my demons,
And no longer fear deceit.

Why must I remain this way,
So scarred, broken and torn?
Don't keep me in this tattered state,
Please, let me be reborn.


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  • 14 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    This poem reflects my sentiments exactly and I love your style

  • 15 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Depending on what you believe there is a way to be "born again"...thats the best thing about the Christian faith..

    Your poem really described something we all struggle with. We all want do-overs...and as far as I'm concerned, that can happen!...I really enjoyed this poem. Very relatable!