Losing Everything

by Chris   Mar 26, 2010

I've been with my girlfriend for about two years
And I love her with all my heart and soul
I do and agree to anything to make her happy
Because she's the best and deserves the best

But recently, one of her friends has played a part
And unfortunately it hasn't brought us closer together
Since this friend got involved in our relationship
We've fought more and more each day

My body fills with rage as he obsesses over her
And she begins to have more and more feelings for him
Everyday we talk now, her focus seems to be on this guy
And I try to keep my cool and just smile as she talks

But recently I've snapped and lost control
I'm tired of this guy calling himself her boyfriend
Even though me and her both say I am
And I'm tired of him trying to get sympathy from her

Every time she put her foot down with him
He cried and cried and talked about suicide
Knowing that she would feel sorry and give in
But now I'm going to take care of it and that won't work

But now that I'm involved she's defending him
Every conversation we have turns to him
And she defends him while I say he needs to stop
I know I'm losing her and honestly I'm about to say goodbye

I know I don't want to say goodbye, but this has to stop
I can't keep playing this game and keeping my cool
I don't care if she hangs out and remains friends with him
But he has to learn that I'm her boyfriend and he's just a friend.


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  • 14 years ago

    by Jackie

    This is a brilliant poem, written from the heart, you should get the girl to read it. 5/5