I Wont Be There PT. 2

by Cody B   Mar 27, 2010

This poem was based off of a poem I read by a truly wonderful writer. I really enjoy her poems and insist all of my readers should take a dive into her work. The poem this was based off of can be found here: http://www.poems-and-quotes.com/dark/poems.php?id=1144648
*Please check out some of her other work, it really is great and you wont be disappointed.
Thank you!

"Wont Be There"

I think that times come
For you to find a new place
And for the first time ever
You'll probably feel unsafe
but I'll allow you to fade
As I find my meaning here
A slow whisper goodbye
The last "I Love You" I hear.

I wont interpret distant cries
Progressing deep in a abyss
I'll forget about our past
There's not a thing that I'll miss..
I hope you live to the fullest
And do nothing less than that
I'm sorry I left you behind
But I can never look back

Listen to my next words
Try and focus out the beat
Screw life that failed me
I've yet to fall in to defeat
These feelings I express
Nobody else could describe
So they all try and listen
Rocking their heads to the vibe

I'm finally taking action
Doubt anyone gives a damn
I know that i wouldn't
If i heard it from another man
But, I've learned life's to fragile
To let someone just walk -in
And I've had enough of life
I'm simply sick of talk -in


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  • 15 years ago

    by Sylvia

    At times life and love can be toxic to us. We get tired of always being there for others, especially if we love them and the time comes when we simply say, I won't be there. Well done.