Opinions From the Hopeless Romantic

by Hopelessly Devoted to You   Apr 9, 2010

Okay I admit it, I'm a hopeless romantic,
And surely that can't be helped, can it?
Love is the most beautiful thing in life,
And yet it's so cliched by our youthful minds,
A fairy-tale to some but not to me,
Though I'll admit the indulgance of those dreams,
But to you I will tell of my perspective,
Not of infatuation and where that's headed,
But love, yes love, in its truest sense,
From beyond the past to future and hence,
It's not merely just that of words,
But actions to show to him or her,
How they're valued in the heart's depth so sure,
And to that the other do concur,
In this bond that forms two to one,
And joins anger, joy, grief and fun,
Where forgiveness and trust plays their part,
Through all in all both easy and hard,
The greatest of all yet difficult to find,
though I hear its reward is the greatest in life.


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Latest Comments

  • 12 years ago

    by Omar

    Just a beautiful piece.
    Amazing work :)

  • 14 years ago

    by Mike Martin

    Love it! You are so right. May are afraid to say thier a "hopeless romantic" proby because they have been or afraid of being hurt. Thier life is on hold, and that's too bad. I too am like you. And yes, actions do speak louder then words. 5/5

  • 14 years ago

    by Reaper

    That was Beautiful!!!